January 27th, 2011 is Family Literacy Day, an initiative of ABC Life Literacy Canada to encourage families to read and learn together all year long. Oakville Public Library has these government publications covering various aspects of literacy:
Me read? And how! Ontario teachers report on how to improve boys' literacy skills. Ontario Ministry of Education, 2009.
This guide is intended for educators at the primary and secondary levels who are developing and delivering literacy programs for boys, but it is also helpful for parents who might want to advocate for the use of these strategies in their schools.
Towards an understanding of gender differences in literacy achievement. Education Quality and Accountability Office of Ontario, 2010.
Research has shown that girls "have a significant and consistent advantage in literacy from an early age over boys," and this advantage is found internationally. Researchers used EQAO data collected in Ontario to study the gender gap.
Education indicators in Canada: an international perspective. Statistics Canada and Council of Ministers of Education, 2010.
This annual study compares educational systems in Canada with those of OECD countries.
Measuring up: Canadian results of the OECD PISA study. Statistics Canada and Council of Ministers of Education, 2010.
This study tracks the performance of Canada's youth in reading, mathematics and science.