From November 15-26, Oakville Public Library is hosting a display for National Housing Day. Halton Region's Social & Community Services department has created posters promoting "Voices for Housing Choices" to "help raise awareness and understanding about the need for safe, adequate, local affordable housing solutions." Halton Region's website features a housing page to provide information about affordable housing to residents.
OPL's collection includes the following housing resources:
- Halton Region Joint Municipal Housing Statement, March 2010
- 2009 State of Housing Report, Halton Region, 2009
- Best Planning Estimates of Population, Occupied Dwelling Units and Employment, 2007-2021, Halton Region, April 2007
- A Comprehensive Housing Strategy for Halton Region, 2006-2015, Halton Region, 2006
- Social Profile of Halton Region 2009, Community Development Halton, 2009
- Ontario's Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy Consultation, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, 2009
- Canadian Housing Statistics 2009, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, August 2010.