The following electronic resources have been added:
Finding home: Policy options for addressing homelessness in Canada
Finding Home aims to fill a gap in the information available on homelessness by providing an easily accessible collection of some of the best Canadian research and policy analysis on homelessness. This e-book includes summaries of recently completed research reports as well as the most policy-relevant published articles from scholarly journals. The chapters have been edited to keep them at a length of 3,000 to 9,000 words and to ensure that they are accessible to a non-specialist audience. Each chapter is a separate dowloadable PDF.
Opening doors to the world: Canada's international market access priorities
Lessons to be learned : The report of the Honourable Bob Rae, Independent Advisor to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, on outstanding questions with respect to the bombing of Air India flight 182
The community solution to gang violence - a collaborative community process and evaluation framework
With our best future in mind; Implementing early learning in Ontario
Children and lone-mother families
Recognition of the foreign credentials of immigrants
Canadian housing observer 2008: with a feature on housing need
Guide to Canadian Heritage financial support programs
Income in Canada
Abortion in Canada
Energy efficiency trends in Canada 1990 to 2005
Energy Consumption of major household appliances shipped in Canada