23 March, 2009

Plastic bags

Library of Parliament produces excellent reports on a wide range of topics. A recent 9-pager "Plastic Bags: Reducing their use through regulation and other initiatives" gives the Canadian perspective on ridding our lives of this consumer item.

20 March, 2009

Pesticide Ban - new provincial law

New legislation from the Ontario Government the Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Act will take the place of existing municipal pesticide by-laws (in the case of Oakville, it is the Pesticide By-Law 2007-123). This new legislation updates the existing Pesticides Act and Ontario Regulation 63/09 and comes into force on April 22. Read more about it on the website of the Ministry of the Environment. This includes regulatory requirements for retailers and the landscape industry as well as rules for golf courses, agriculture and forestry.

09 March, 2009

Health and medical information in Ontario

Consumer Health Information Service (CHIS) at the Toronto Public Library provides access to a wealth of health and medical information for Ontarians. Located on the 3rd. floor of the Toronto Reference Library, CHIS is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion. The website provides details of walk-in and telephone services and a list of resources. Check out the Health Guides on a wide range of topics and the CHIS Blog (see link "More Gov Blogs" on the sidebar)
Another excellent source, this time from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care is the Medical Services Directory. Enter your postal code to bring up a list of Walk-in clinics, Health Care Providers, Emergency Rooms etc. in your area.

07 March, 2009

Volunteer Tax Preparation Clinics Oakville

Volunteer Tax Preparation Clinics are being held at various locations in Oakville, including the White Oaks Branch Library during March and April. Dates, times and locations are listed.
Canada Revenue Agency offers training to volunteers who can help you complete your income tax and benefit return if your income is low and your tax situation is simple.
Volunteers do not complete income tax and benefit returns for deceased persons, bankrupt individuals, or individuals who have capital gains or losses, employment expenses, or business or rental income and expenses.

03 March, 2009

Government publications - New at Oakville Public Library

Recently added:
Action on the Ground II: Working with Canadians to improve ecological integrity in Canada's national Parks
Homebuying step by step: A Consumer Guide and Workbook
Reaching out: Innovation in Canadian Libraries
Health Care in Canada
Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration
Services for Seniors Guide: A guide to Government of Canada services for seniors and their families
Science, Discovery and Innovation for Canadians

2011 Census Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada has created an online discussion forum to facilitate the exchange of comments between census and geography data users in order to explore and gather ideas and suggestions for the 2011 Census dissemination strategy. Any member of the public may post suggestions there regarding format and content of future census products.