10 December, 2007
Wikipedia now legitimized
WIKIPEDIA is now politically correct to use as a reference resource
The full report, from 8th December 2007, ResearchBuzz noted:
"OCLC Hooks Up With Wikipedia"
. . . " search over a billion items in
over 10,000 libraries around the world."
29 November, 2007
27 November, 2007
Reports on climate change
- From the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the fourth assessment report was issued on 17 Nov.
www.ipcc.ch/ - From the British government, the Stern Review Report on the Economics of Climate Change is available at www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/independent_reviews/stern_review_economics_climate_change/stern_review_report.cfm#Top
31 October, 2007
BPL live on Youtube!
29 September, 2007
Community Profiles on OurKidsNetwork
Just Play Blog
Taken from the FAQs:
Blogger Play will show you a never-ending stream of images that were just uploaded to public Blogger blogs. You can click the image to be taken directly to the blog post it was uploaded to, or click “show info” to see an overlay with the post title, a snippet of the body, and some profile information about the blogger who uploaded it. We also wrote a Blogger Play FAQ with more information.
05 September, 2007
Bloglines - Top Ten Facebook Apps for Librarians
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Bloglines - Public school indicators, 1998/1999 to 2004/2005
From Statistics Canada's Daily
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21 July, 2007
E-LAWS - official yet?
I thought everyone should know.
16 July, 2007
An article from globeandmail.com
"Census data will outline impact of aging boomers"
Canada's population is aging - and the impact that baby boomers are having on the country will be revealed tomorrow when Statistics Canada releases the second wave of information from last year's census.
Get the news delivered to your inbox. Sign up for our daily News Update:
09 July, 2007
07 July, 2007
Water a Commodity? Read about the Great Lakes
We should not export our fresh water. We need it and we should conserve it," Lougheed said in a speech to the Calgary branch of the Canadian Club Wednesday. "We should communicate to the United States very quickly how firm we are about it."
Lougheed says Canada's water is vital to its economic success and needs to be protected, and he'd like to see an all-party declaration in the House of Commons affirming a refusal to allow bulk exports of its fresh water supply.
Lougheed says even though bulk water exports are specifically excluded from the Canada-U.S. free trade agreement, he says the United States would use that mechanism to get to the resource.
a rebuttal ( or commentary) to this argument is found in a recent Policy Initiatives Branch brief found in the DSP archive: http://policyresearch.gc.ca/doclib/SD_BN_Water%20Tradable_e.pdf.
A more thorough analysis of Great Lakes initiatives can be found in SOLEC documents, which is an international agency affiliated with the Environmental Protection Agency. Our library has print copies of the latest reports:
05 July, 2007
Legislative Library Holdings via OurOntario
I e-mailed KO as to when that might happen and what the scope of the collection would entail. The response from Loren Fantin, Project Manager, OurOntario.ca ( subset of KO) was:
The government documents will be made available
through the OurOntario site - http://www.ourontario.ca.
The projected time frame is late fall. I'll send an announcement out to
various list-servs and will post the information on the Knowledge
Ontario website as well.
It would be great if the digitized collection remains permanent and covers all legislation, committee reports and other papers from at least 1980 forward. Smaller libraries then will not have to worry about keeping print copies in perpetuity for their customers. Exciting news!
25 June, 2007
2007 NAICS Codes
06 June, 2007
Legislative Bills lost in session
Rosario Marchese , a Bill to freeze tuition at universities and colleges beyond that approved in the 2005/6 calender year, is now lost as it was only in First Reading. Bill 19, which amends the Education Act by permitting the minister to require that students complete no fewer than 60 hours of community involvement activities before receiving their Ontario secondary school diploma - has now been shelved. It seems an enormous waste to have these issues sent back to the drawing table but that is political reality. An explanation of what Prorogation means is on the home page of the Assembly. LMS
04 June, 2007
News from GOVINFO
May 27, 2007
PITTSBURGH-The University Library System (ULS) of the University of
Pittsburgh will receive the entire European Union depository
collection-the most extensive collection of public European
Community/European Union documents and publications in North
America-from the Delegation of the European Commission to the USA in
Washington, D.C., and make it available intact to patrons of Pitt's
Hillman Library. See http://mac10.umc.pitt.edu/m/FMPro?-db=ma&-lay=a&-format=d.html&id=2942&-Find
ULS also will digitize a large portion of the collection and upload it
onto the Internet as part of Pitt's Archive of European Integration (AEI).
31 May, 2007
Census 2006 tool
Please have a look at the Illustrated Glossary tool that has been updated
for the 2006 census on the Stats Can website site.
How to find it www.statcan.ca
select Census on the left.
The page will have the icon of the census. Scroll down to the bottom
of the page and you will see 3 boxes 2006 census 2001 census, 1996
In the 2006 census select Reference material, select about geography
select Illustrated Glossary.
Also could use the search feature and type in 92-195
What does it do:
Provides a plain language definition an illustration of the definition.
A detailed definition and in what census it was used in.
Try looking at Dissemination block . This is a new term that was used
in the 2006 census.
Karen Young
census 2006
28 May, 2007
Clarkson Airshed Study from the Ministry of the Environment
24 May, 2007
AGIIG BLOG and related links
- monitor issues relating to government publishing and the availability of government information....
- To provide a forum where library workers can learn from one another or from experts in the field and can participate in other activities aimed at improving access to government information
The postings appear to be geared ( at present) to DLI libraries (full depositories) and library staff. There are very good tips about national events in government as well as links to government information of interest. A link to AGIIG is established in our sidebar. LMS
DSP - new guide
15 May, 2007
Canada and the world series news
I just found out on the Canada and the world Backgrounder website
there online copies will no longer be indexed on E- lib or CPIQ .
There online current and back issues will be on Igloo. Igloo is a non-profit Canadian Information Portal. I checked and they are not on there yet.
Canada and the world Backgrounder publications cover many topics for example Elections in a short format 30 pages that is useful for students.
To find a listing of what we have do a series search and enter backgrounder.
submitted by Karen Young
Canada and the world, Backgrounder series
Intute - A British search directory for international resources
The United Nations E-Government Readiness knowledge base provides researchers with free access to statistical data and some reports about the state of e-government readiness and delivery around the world. Primary source of data for the Knowledge Base comes from the United Nations Global E-Readiness Reports and Survey.It is possible to consult country profiles and build comparative graphs and charts of data. Topics covered include web access, E-participation and e-government services. Dates of coverage are displayed on the site. http://www.unpan.org/egovkb/
I am using Intute for learning more about business at the moment. LMS
07 May, 2007
Kudos for Statistics Canada from Profit Magazine
Statistics Canada: The Economist calls it "the world's best statistical agency." At statcan.ca, you can dive into details from the census, 35D active surveys or The Doily e-newsletter on topics as diverse as Canada's slowing population growth and our skyrocketing blueberry consumption.....
I've looked for the quote in the Economist and have yet to retrieve it online in the recent past, however, it is probably true. Users just have to know how to search for business data efficiently and relevant marketing material is available at their fingertips. LMS
Retrieved from: A., K. ([YEAR]). 5 GREAT SOURCES OF BUSINESS IDEAS. Profit, 25(6), 43-43. Retrieved Saturday, May 05, 2007 from the Business Source Premier database.
United Nations Data Liberation
30 April, 2007
Article from thestar.com
Please visit link: http://www.thestar.com/article/208454
27 April, 2007
Kyoto Protocol - CBC reports
The federal government released the specific details of its
much-anticipated emissions plan Thursday, requiring most of Canada's
industries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 18 per cent in
three years. The new plan means Canada will be at least eight years
behind meeting its requirements under the international Kyoto Protocol.
There is a good analysis of the issue from CBC's In-Depth series , but the Library of Parliament has released its own studies, including the Brief The Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism. Salient speeches from Parliament and further reading can be found on LEGISInfo.
19 April, 2007
The Quality of Life for Seniors in Halton
16 April, 2007
Census of Geography: Illustrated Glossary
08 April, 2007
CODOC to Dewey/LC - the Controversy
Subscribing to ALA Tech Source Blog
06 April, 2007
Agreement reached about the Great Lakes
- it provides strong protections for Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin waters....
- The provinces and the states have agreed to: ban diversions of water out of {this area} and prohibit new or increased transfer of water from one Great Lake watershed to another unless strictly regulated criteria are met...
05 April, 2007
Ontario Min. of Environment launches new site for teens and children
called Obviously for teens and children.
Great site with articles, contests, homework help
relating to the environment.
check www.obviously.ca
04 April, 2007
Wait Times for Ontario Physicians
Patients or physicians can check this recently updated site and
determine the waiting periods for patients for 4 key types of surgeries. (cardian,cataract surgery,diagnostic scan, joint replacement)
source (Publications Ontario News release Mar. 15)
03 April, 2007
Social Atlas of Halton: Landscape by the Numbers
or consult one of the print versions at BPL or OPL. I used this recently to investigate age groups around a neighbourhood branch for administration.