08 April, 2007

CODOC to Dewey/LC - the Controversy

There has been a great deal of interest of late in the GOV-INFO listservabout the purpose and end result of retroconversion projects in libraries. Specifically, whether retroconversion marginalizes government resources work and treatment of the subject matter. We started a retroconversion project at OPL many years ago to enable easier retrieving and reshelving of government materials. It is a back burner endeavor, because cataloguing staff fit it in among other, more important projects. In order to ensure that our government resources are retained for posterity and according to DSP retention guidelines, we continue to store materials in a separate area in reference and in storage. While government resource work is still ( thankfully) recognized as important at OPL, the demise of CODOC does sadden me. CODOC is so logical, as it enabled the organization of materials according to government branch in a hierarchical fashion. I would like to see future listserv discussions focus on the burden downloading e-documents has created for libraries who can ill afford to print hardcopy, particularly in color. To me, that is the real threat facing government resources, at least in public libraries.

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